At present it's "Questions people haven't asked yet, but might so I'm just going to get ahead of the curve."  QPHAYBMSOIJGTGAOTC is really long, though, so it's still the FAQ page.

Q: What piece of code do you use the most frequently?

Okay, I don't actually expect anyone to ask this, but in the prologue section alone I used "else if" something like 150 times.  I don't think anything is going to top that.

Q: When are you actually working on Ghost Princess again?

Probably after Pleasures of the Knight.  And Ghost Princess will probably go through a complete reboot, while I do want to give the players a lot of agency, even what little I had made available so far was spiraling out into simply unmanageable quantities of alternate scenes if I wanted those decisions to mean something.  I'm of the opinion that it's better to have a few fewer options that have some sort of distinct effect, as opposed to dozens of options that don't do anything.

Q: What is planned for Pleasures of the Knight?

Pleasures of the Knight is largely a narrative game.  So a metric TON of writing.  Aside from that, there'll be about 7 (possibly a few more) major areas with encounters to work your way through, while coping with your, ah, less than ideal current circumstances.  Most of your choices will have quiet effects on tracked stats (If you hit the end of the current content, the game will tell you what they are and what you're at), which will change what options are available to you.  There's also plans for three companions (though they're generally going to be mutually exclusive, even the first one is threatening to add 4 scenes I have to write before the 2nd major area).  Also, there will be a pseudo-random encounter system for stuff that occurs while you travel between those major areas, meaning that most runs won't be quite the same.  If the game gets really popular there may even be a new game plus opened up once you get one of the "full" endings that'll move stuff out of the base story's chronological order, and add in some more out there/referential/maybe silly possible locations to end up in.  Play the game for an in depth narrative-erotic experience, play New Game Plus to be amused.  Maybe.

Q: What is planned to be in Ghost Princess?

Ghost Princess is going to have a good deal of transformation elements, many of them focusing around your character sculpting their new body to their particular needs/desires.  At the most basic you'll be able to manipulate your general curvature, lips, tongue, eye color, hair color and length, etc. to both human, and inhuman qualities. You'll also be able to assume entirely inhuman forms, turning into a demon, a goddess, or even a dragon girl, all while trying to pursue your goal of confronting the demon lord who brought you to the state you're in.  Assuming you don't get distracted along the way.

And now for a question someone actually asked:

Q: What sort of arc is Ghost Princess going to take?  Is it just going to be about the various ways your character ends up degraded?

Nope, not at all!  If you want to try to play through retaining the character's original masculine identity, and remain chaste for the entire game, solving your problems with guile and violence rather than sex, you will totally be able to do that.  If you want to have the protagonist embrace their female identity, but still be a badass warrior, you'll be able to do that.  If you want to become TOTALLY CORRUPTED by he powers and experiences you have and become a demoness, be it a succubus or demonic war leader, who heads back home not to defeat Reggar Tholtok as much as overthrow him, there will be options for that too. There may even be a way to get your manhood back, though I fear there probably won't be a way to escape your feminine form entirely outside of prologues.


  1. Q: How if at all can I contact you if I saw something in your Game I want to use in my own and want to get tips.

    1. Apparently by putting a comment here and waiting a month for the voodoo sensors to align. Sorry, hadn't been checking up here in my dry production spell, you can comment at me here, or message me on the TFGamesSite forum as Melphy, the 2nd is likely to produce slightly faster results, just as a heads up.

  2. When will we get more ghost princess?

    1. Ghost Princess is currently on pause until I finish Pleasures of the Knight. The reason for this is that Ghost Princess is a very programming intensive game, and I feel I may have bit off more than I can chew, as it were, so I'm trying a somewhat more linear game first, seeing if I can complete that, before jumping back to dealing with Ghost Princess.
