Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I LIIIIIIIVVEE... Again. Still. Whatever.


No, I expect everyone is more like "Huh?  Miss Vice EXISTS?  I thought whoever that was was just gone forever, the lazy git."

Not so, not so at all.  Due to circumstances, some related to the now missing page (if you know what it is, you know, if not, well I didn't feel like leaving that public forever), and a move, and, welll, being overambitious an update that was supposed to take weeks instead took months.  Go team me.

However, as some of you might have noticed, I mentioned an update in that previous paragraph.  IT IS TRUE.  However, as this DID take so long, I'm putting it up within like, 5 minutes of finishing it.  And you know what that means!  That's right, it's another VERY ALPHA UPDATE:

So there may be a bug or two that needs working out and likely some terrible bits of grammar oversight in it, for which I am sorry.  But it's finally UP.  And that's something I don't feel sorry about at all.
