Thursday, November 24, 2016

2.6.1 Patron version up

Okay, those of you patrons who check here more often than that Patreon page: New update is out, completing the measurement scene options.  This adds 1 new sex scene, and gets to the start of the bathing section that follows.

As ever, the rest of you can expect 2.6.1 to hit when either 2.6.2 is done, or in about two weeks, whichever comes firt.

Melphy out.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Other people's lifespans are deeply inconsiderate

Sorry for being a bit quiet, got dragged across country to attend a funeral, theoretically close relative, though I was less attached than some.  Still, big part of the family, needed to be there for people, and, well, since I don't really drive or anything, my transport situation got exciting.  Do not recommend.

Still, I'm back now, Patrons should be seeing an update within the next couple days, the rest of you...  Uh, will see it like a week after that.  Because that's just how we do.

Also, somehow, during my radio silence I managed to acquire another patron.  Which is really sweet.  And I'll probably stop bringing this up every time it happens once it stops being novel.  Which will be never so you'll just have to deal with me being happy to have people's support.  Financial or otherwise.