Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Status Update Mk. 1

Heyo everybody!  I fear Alpha 2 isn't actually ready yet, but it's well on its way.  Part of that is because, though I initially planned on releasing everything that could be done at the farmhouse at once, one side scene, and one major resolution part are going to be absent from the first release because there's some interactions with larger structures the game is going to use that, though I'm ready to work on now, are just a ton of coding work and you guys have been waiting for this for long enough already.  Since the next section is going to be a lot less work, and as such generally a smaller update by comparison, I figure I'll do a bunch of the back filling in that one, since much like the path leading up to the farm, it's mostly just a connector piece with one or two possible scenes in it.

Also I'd like to give a shout out to my first donator!  You know who you are, and you're automatically awesome in my book.  However, as Paypal you know, gave me your real name and such, I'm not sure if that's something you want me making public, if you have a handle or something you'd like put up on the site contact me and I'll let everyone know how cool you are.

Also also, for anyone who cares, I was doing one of my backups of Ghost Princess (I keep an all text backup, let's me easily spell check, etc...  Though as some of you know that doesn't always pan out), and the actual straight text of Ghost Princess is up to about 40 pages! 60 if you include coding lines, which I... Sort of don't.  (For those keeping track/score that's about 40 pages of size 11 Arial with line break'd rather than indented paragraphs with break line inserts to keep passages separated with some code sprinkled in so that's probably a slightly deceptive number, but still!)

Anyway, I hope to get Alpha 2 out soon, but for those eagerly awaiting it READ STATUS UPDATE. (It's directly above if you missed it)

Melphy out!


  1. I have to say that your game is awesome.
    I'm not much into text only games but yours is one of the few who led me to forget that.
    (The fourth one I think)
    I'm very eager to see the various path the hero can take (can't wait to see the different corruption paths)

    Sorry for my bad english

    1. Sorry for the double post
      I made a donation of 20 usd

      keep up the good work

  2. Don't feel yourself rushed, man, as long as it sucks to wait, it does suck a lot more if things don't go as you planned. Is there any other way to donate if not for paypal? If so, I'll sure give you some too. You got a good writing, and would be a shame to see a project like that die, since I'm a big fan of text based games.

    1. At present I don't have anything set up, but if there's some system you've worked with that you prefer, I can look into it. Goodness knows I'm not going to turn away support! I just have PayPal set up so far because, well, having barely started I wasn't really expecting much, and I already had a Paypal account from other stuff.

    2. From my experience, I would say Paypal and games like this don't go together at all. And I've seen so many people looking for other alternative because their paypal account got blocked or something like this, lol. You just shouldn't let it get to your head. I'm sure theres a lot more of people out there who like text-based games too, if you keep the fine work with words and such, I'm sure they would be more than happy to support you out. And as I said, as much as it sucks to wait, I wouldn't care if the final product came as you planned it. You have no appointment with us, so don't feel rushed, lol. Until we pay you enough, that is, then you're working for us haha. I don't know really understand about coding, like really don't. But if someday you need help with writing, I would be most happy to lend a hand.

  3. Would it be possible to get another status update?

  4. It's been a month, wah!

  5. Feed us updates

  6. Let us know you're alright at least. :S

  7. So are there any news about this game? I really enjoyed the demo i played so would like to know if you're still working on it.

  8. I think he may have died.

  9. Wow, this is some spectacular stuff. Hope you decide to continue working on it, and very much looking forward to reading more if you do!

  10. I think he/she's dead(or got some serious work going on, it's all the same really)

    RIP ghast prunces, died before we even really knew ye.

  11. I hope you will come back one day... this game was great!

  12. ahhh.. you're such a tease. I just found this game and all I can say is: wow. Please come back.

  13. So hey, ringing the new year and all that. Is it possible Ghost Princess is still happening?
