Friday, January 23, 2015

Progress Report and Nomenclature

Not a ton to say, working on the next section (which, once this thing is put together, will be entirely optional, but in the next release your option will be "New content, or...  No new content" which isn't much of an option at all I think).  I'm about nine passages in, and most of this section revolves around meeting a single character who may end up accompanying you on your journey (Yay optional party members?).

At present she's prospectively named Frige, the anglo-saxonization of Frigg (Or F-r-ih-g-ah for people who aren't familiar with the original pronunciation), since this does have a rather medieval European setting, and she's a blonde (so could totally have Norse ancestors >_>.  Or something.), and leads to at least one easy joke (I mean, other than the fact that she's easy), but I'm not 100% sold on the name as of yet, so if anyone has any ideas they'd like to forward for a hypersexual kinky blonde, I wouldn't mind hearing 'em.

But yeah that's about everything so far, I just remember reading quite a few "We want more progress reports" comments back in the day during my Ghost Princess, er...  Slump.  So here.  Progress Report.  Check it.


  1. If you want a name that goes with a blonde bombshell who have Norse ancestors, you could give her the same name of the Norse Goddess of beauty: Freya, or at least something similar to that

    1. Mmnh, yeah I suppose that'd be the more obvious and precise fit, Freyja's (If I feel like keeping as close as I can to old Norse standards) portfolio is a tighter fit, though, amusingly, there's speculation that Frigg and Freya were, at one point, the same goddess. Though there are a lot better mythological allusions and stuff in using Freyja straight. I'll think about it, thanks for the suggestions.
