Friday, November 6, 2015

Whistle while you wait

Okay, just about done with said over extended farm scene, and, as I said, I originally intended to have 2 random encounters up with the, er, encounter mini-update that was coming, and while I have some general ideas what I was going to do with the second, since everyone who chose to vote wanted to wait patiently, let me award your patience with, uhm, something!

Toss me some suggestions on what you would like to see as a random encounter, and it might be in the next release!  And even if it isn't, it might be added to the game regardless, so hit me with your best shot.


  1. Well I'm looking forward to the release, as to what could be one of the random encounters, the mind boggles at the choice! maybe an encounter with a traveling merchant that stays the night ? Frigg finding a way to have her way with him while our hero is forced to endure a cold night by himself...listening to the teasing and coddling of the two lovers as she compares him to her new lover???

    1. Pffft, that's pretty funny, and something I will almost certainly use some variant of. Though, as the base travel scenes with Frigg aren't implemented yet, I'm probably not going to be giving her extra exclusive content at the moment, seems unproductive. I'll definitely consider some sort of way to track if she's miffed with you because of some things you've done, and let her get some passive aggressive revenge on you like that, that seems like a lot of fun.

  2. Replies
    1. An iinnnnteresting suggestion, but not one I could see myself implementing at this point, maybe as an event quite a bit later in the game, but I'll have to see on that one. Seems like it's probably an alternate game over scenario though =P

  3. Oh, why not a scene where they stop at an inn, a guy hits on her, and she's really, really confused? Since she was a woman who was interested in men before this, but now her changes have left her a good deal more interested in physical attention, I could see a lot of narrative potential there. And, well, the possibility of an m/m scene.


    Oh, or how about a scene where Frigg tries to talk the main character into participating in an "ancient fertility ritual" on an altar in the woods? Maybe she could try and trick the main character into it, or maybe she could play it straight if the main character has been receptive to her actions in the past; it could be an interesting "Wait, how did I get myself into this?" moment, played either seriously or for humor.

    Though, the more I think about it, the more it seems both like something that has waaay too many implications for a random event, and something that would reasonably come up much later in the story...


    But since we're on the topic of the supernatural, what if an enchantingly beautiful woman just offered herself to the main character by the road? "Enchantingly" meant literally - after a minute, the main character would realize that she's a supernatural being of some sort, such as a spirit or fairy or elf, whatever would be appropriate to your setting. And sleeping with her would, of course, be a violation of the main character's holy vows, for reasons also dependent on your setting. And the result of sleeping with her would be the birth of something very dangerous to any humans living nearby.

    But she would be very attractive; refusing would require a good bit of self-control (and success would grow self-control), while sleeping with her would result in a hefty corruption hit. To make things a bit more interesting, after the main character initially refuses, perhaps the elf would spin a story as to why it's very important that the main character sleep with her (which would, of course, be a lie), offering a less obviously selfish path to sleeping with her, that offers less of a corruption hit.

    Maybe in a later random event, the main characters choice here might come up again... Either in the form of an angry elf who missed her chance because you didn't play along, or a dangerous being plaguing the countryside that you quietly know is your fault. Then again, maybe all of this is far too much for a random event...


    Maybe a dream wherein the main character is a woman again, but still being visited by the succubus? This would be pretty similar to the dream sequences you've already written, but it could raise questions in the character's mind about how much of what she's going through is because of her new body, and how much runs deeper. Then again, this might just be looking for a way to shoehorn in an f/f scene...


    Sorry, I know you were only looking for one, but since everything I thought of off of the top of my head had some pretty major issues, I thought you might find one of the others more useful! Of course, you don't have to use any of them at all - they were all just off the top of my head, and I know whatever you come up with will be better anyway :) .

    I was also just assuming that you were looking for explicit scenes, given the nature of the work... I had a bunch of ideas that contained no sex (but did involve a lot of the complications of being a woman suddenly transformed into a man and/or travelling with a companion of dubious trustworthiness), but since I was already throwing four questionable scenes at you anyway, it felt a bit rude to continue!

    1. Oh, no, I like being presented with ideas, even if I don't end up using all of them, I appreciate the enthusiasm, it's hard to gauge interest in a work like this a lot of the time, and if people care enough to suggest things it, er, suggests I must be doing something worth reading, am I right?

      Alllso, not going to lie, M/M things are really not my thing. I don't hate them, per se, (though I don't particularly like them either, more just an apathy towards them) I just can't write them worth a damn and so they'll be playing the role of "scenes not appearing in this work" because I'm not going to try to shoehorn in things I'm bad at.

      Similarly, an F/F scene is unnnnlikely though not, strictly speaking impossible, though with the succubus involved she's more likely to go all tentacles or futa like she does in the prologue rather than going pure F/F, but I dunno, maybe there'll be one or two scenes, I dunno, I'm not AS terrible at them as M/M stuff, but they're not a strength either. They certainly won't be a primary focus, but I won't ignore the potential for one offs.

      And the main reason Frigg isn't going for any ancient fertility rituals is because Frigg likes her sex kinky, excessive, and consequence free =P Though for sure, bringing Frigg along is going to result in quite EXCESSIVE cases of her coming on to your character, as, well, that's what she thinks you're there for. At least one scene per travel sequence, possibly two since you can booty call her in the "Quiet Night" travel scene.

      Of course, taking Frigg does lock out quite a few other pieces of content, so I'm not going to completely invest tons more events in her since your other two possible companions need some space, and, well, for... Reaaasons they're not compatible with Frigg. And possibly not the reasons you expect.

      Still, that's for the suggestions, and I don't mind hearing about non-sexual stuff, I may want to include some non-sexual scenes in the travel periods because, well, if it's just sexsexsexsexsex it may start to blend together, at least a chance for a little downtime may be wise for the overall design.

    2. Oh, I'm glad it wasn't a bother ^^ . I know fans can be a bit pushy sometimes, so I was concerned I might overdo it ^^ . I'm always enjoy work featuring succubi (though not usually male main characters), so it's nice to see one as well written as this ^^ .


      Ah, I'm bad at writing sex in general, so I can understand not wanting to write scenes you don't think you can do well ^^ . Thanks for considering the F/F, though please don't feel any pressure ^^ .

      As for the "ancient fertility ritual", I was really just going for "magic ritual that the main character probably wouldn't have approved of before all of this, that features sex", rather than a literal fertility ritual, but since you already have a lot of content lined up for her, it's probably not worth all of the complications.

      I'm glad to be reminded that there's going to be other possible companions, though; it's nice to have someone on the road, but taking Frigg along just seems like such a bad idea from an in-character perspective...


      As for a couple of nonsexual suggestions...

      It's a bit silly, but why not a minor scene where the main character realizes that she's now going to have to learn how to shave, and that she doesn't have a shaving kit? It's a pretty minor thing, so it wouldn't be terribly difficult for her, but it would help remind her that there are more subtle differences to her new life that she has to deal with. If she has companions, they can also be a bit confused that she's having such a hard time with this, which could lead to some entertaining dialogue.


      Magic pendants aren't always the most precise of navigational tools. Lacking a map, perhaps the main character might find herself spending an evening slogging through a foul bog (or other rough terrain), while she curses the succubi for not have just left a set of directions? The main function of a scene like this would just to be building a sense of travel; it could end up feeling a bit like you're just warping from place to place elsewise, since the player doesn't have to do any of the long walking.


      The main character has very little in the way of supplies. Perhaps she may take advantage of her order's reputation to accept the generosity of a kind stranger to rest a night or borrow supplies for her journey? The main purpose of such a scene would be to demonstrate to the player the meaning of the main character's status in the setting, and how having to pursue the succubus so suddenly has left her somewhat under-prepared.


      And just a general note about something I'd like, since it's still early in your project...

      I'd quite enjoy a way for the main character to defeat the succubus and become a woman again, while still ending up very interested in sex. I only mention it since I've seen a number of games link a character's sexual activity to their ability to change back. Of course, if you prefer to do it that way, I won't object - this is your game, after all.

      Second, I generally appreciate a way to, for lack of a better word, sort of "stumble" into sexual routes, even at higher levels of corruption; paths where the main character really is trying to do the right thing, but ends up sleeping around anyway.

      For a couple of ingame examples of what I mean, I'm talking about scenes like where she ends up sleeping with the captured knight near the start when she started out just trying to ease his condition, or when she ends up sleeping with Frigg when she was just trying to talk with her.

      Of course, I recognize that there are plenty of scenes that wouldn't work for; I only mention it to let you know that I appreciate the ones you have in the game already, and hope for more routes along those lines in the future :) .


      All of that said... I hope some of the feedback helps, and thank you for not just banning me ^^ !

    3. It's funny how you bring up that taking Frigg along is so obviously a bad idea, I've always considered actually letting her go with you "hard mode" since, well, she makes the overall game, and this may surprise you given the previous, quite a bit harder =P

      And some of those milder travel scenes do seem like good idea, in part for some variety, and, more self servingly, they're likely to be a lot shorter than other ones =P

      And if you happen to like ending up in sex scenes despite your best efforts, you'll be pleased to know that's actually a basic function of the game, behind the scenes you have quite a few stats (Willpower and Arousal in particular) that come into play just about any time you're presented with a temptation, basically depending on how "tempting" it is, and how aroused you are, you can either spend some of your Willpower to resist it, or, if you don't have enough and you try to resist it anyways, well... Fail to do so =P

      Corruption, generally speaking, won't directly figure into that calculation, though some options will be available (or not) based on it, though more Corrupt characters will probably have more difficulty resisting temptation since they'll probably have higher Pleasure values, which do add a static penalty to said Temptation checks.

      As for being able to turn back into your original self despite enjoying a good bit of sex... Yep, that's slated to be an option, unless you've gone super ultra hedonist, like, you know, if you intentionally take every sex scene possible through the game (or manage your willpower very very poorly), the option/attempt to return to female may not... Go well, but otherwise you should probably be good.

    4. Ha, and here I was wondering if there was going to be some sort of secret benefit to bringing Frigg that made the obvious drawbacks worth it! Ah, well, "hard mode" will still be it's own sort of fun :) ...

      "And some of those milder travel scenes do seem like good idea, in part for some variety, and, more self servingly, they're likely to be a lot shorter than other ones =P "

      Oh, I don't know, you know how these things have a way of growing... First you start with a simple bog, then you start asking what can go in it, then you think "Hey, a witch's cabin would be interesting here!", and suddenly you've written 10k words about trying to undo the demon's curse with a series of increasingly dubious potions :P .

      Nothing ever ends up being as short as you thought, in TWINE...


      Oh, you know, I probably should have thought more about the implication of those stats before I wrote...I kind of feel a bit silly, now. I guess I was just thinking of how many other games seem to lock you into acting like a total jerk once a stat like corruption rises too high.

      "unless you've gone super ultra hedonist, like, you know, if you intentionally take every sex scene possible through the game, the option/attempt to return to female may not... Go well"

      Would it be spoilers to ask if we get a second opportunity to become a succubus ^^ ?

    5. Toootally spoilers =P And honestly, if there IS such an opportunity (that isn't "Whoops, look at that sudden gameover"), it's going to be so late in the game I wouldn't feel comfortable promising it now, you know? Who knows how much plans could change by then. I mean, I've had a pretty clear idea of the sequence since I've started but I'm sure that COULD change if the right/wrong inspiration hits.

      Oh, and I'm not saying traveling with Frigg doesn't have certain advantages, beyond the obvious, buuuut the simple fact of the matter is that those are going to be pretty hard to access while her disadvantages are going to be apparent, consistent, and pretty hard to "win" with. Depending on your definition of winning.

  4. I would prefer you avoid f/f or m/m simply because there's a ton of that content in other games. It would be nice to have at least ONE game with a supernatural/corruption mechanic that wasn't loaded with dickgirls, gays, lesbians, and "other". Not counting the succubus; I imagine she/it is happy to sleep with anything if it advances its goals, and can possibly even change sexes when it suits her/it.

    It would also be nice to avoid the whole cuckold/sissy crap, because that's also massively, MASSIVELY overrepresented in games. I guess if you really have a thing for it, it's your game, but it would be so BORING if you simply turned this into another "cuckold/dickgirl/sissy/homoflexible" fest. Not that I'm criticizing the existence of those games, but some variation would be nice.

    And more importantly, there are a lot of interesting avenues for a supernatural/corruption game that have been basically ignored completely by the community. Pregnancy and the consequences thereof, for example, or the simple "straight" consequences of being lustful or not. There's realms of possibility with simply creating some kind of corruption/redemption arc with Frigg; i.e. where you can either elevate yourself or end up even more depraved than she (obviously) already is; you could either end up together or not; with children, or not .. a "worst case" could be something like beating the succubus at her own game and then becoming some kind of evil duo that endlessly destroy/corrupt the innocent while pumping out dozens of kids that you train with "anti-moral" values so they carry on your evil legacy, or whatever... far more interesting than the usual "oh, we're all dickgirls now; time to have a magically non-reproductive orgy and talk about how corrupt we are" that ends up feeling like a CoC/TiTS redux. Conversely, you could end up redeeming yourselves and become a team that fight against evil influences, children optional. Or you could end up splitting up or w/e, evil or otherwise; you could even diverge; possibly you become so depraved it "scares Frigg straight", or vice versa. Again, w/e, but a seriously underrepresented set of ideas to play with.

    The "fertility ritual" and "enchantingly beautiful" ideas are both intriguing. The (ir)responsible use of the MC's new-found ability to impregnate women could be a huge source of play for the corruption mechanic. Impregnating some girl when you clearly don't plan to stay with her would definitely increase your corruption, but letting yourself impregnate some supernatural creature whose offspring will cause havoc in the country...that's REALLY bad. And if said offspring are female and you impregnate THEM instead of killing them? That's some serious bat country.

    And imagine just what kind of evil monster you'd have to be to, for example, overpower and enslave the succubus and turn her into your personal breeding whore.


  5. (cont)
    So specific encounters (aside from a vote for the two the other anon described, that I already touched on):

    -Naive barmaid/farm girl/whatever that you can either help/ignore/seduce/impregnate. (With choices being limited based on just how corrupt/virtuous your char is at the moment)

    -Encounter with another female knight that you will, given the right combination of corruption and cunning, be able to seduce, or if you really wanted to be evil, leave her with a bastard child to explain to her order.

    -Not an encounter, but an idea--I have no idea if you really want to run with the fertility/impregnation mechanic, but if so, it would be interesting if your char had an increasing ability to discern fertile/vulnerable women and an increasing desire to defile them, with increasing corruption (think the GF in "Unplanned", if you've played that).

    -Instead of doing the overdone "being cucked by your companion" crap, do the opposite: Frigg wants to humiliate some poor sap, and if you're willing (corrupt/sadistic enough), you decide to give her a nice time while the poor guy can't help but overhear. The MC might really enjoy destroying some poor guy's ego, if he were malicious enough.

    -Have the succubus tempt Frigg in a dream; if you/Frigg are sleeping close enough, she could end up having sex with your char in a partially-aware state, where she's controlling her actions and enjoying what's going on, but is working under a glamour. Assuming your char is corrupt enough to go along with it, of course.

    -The option to rape/impregnate enemies, if your char is corrupt enough.

    -For the truly depraved, an option to simply hunt down and defile women who are dumb enough to be out after dark.

    Hope you don't mind the brainvomit, but this game has a very unique atmosphere and I'm hoping you take it in a direction that's a little more unique than most of these games end up.


    1. As currently planned, at the very least, the game already has partially implemented a way to track women you have unprotected sex with and has a fertility check based on each character and does remember who you've knocked up, though that's more slated to have an effect at the end, because for all that you are traveling the countryside for quite a while, all told I don't think the slated time period of the game would be consistently over 9 months, so seeing the results directly isn't necessarily in the cards, except for, perhaps, specialized "game overs" where you end up staying with one or more of your partners rather than continuing your journey.

      Of course, as will totally surprise you, Frigg does use her magical prowess to permit herself to have all the excessive sex she desires without having to deal with the consequences, but there is one potential, very specific, chain of events that'll permit you to leave her unprotected during your nightly romps without her being immediately aware of it.

      As for "Raping your enemies," the simplest fact of the matter is that PotK is a narrative game through and through, and so there won't be any mechanical adversaries. Of course, there will be foes to fight and overcome (and you generally will rather easily, our good succubus did turn you into an over-idealized hyper muscular man after all), but options leading to subsequent sex in accordance with your "stats" are almost certainly in the cards.

      Also glad I'm not the only one who thought about a corrupt enough character trying to screw a member of your previous order =P Going to chalk that one up as a good call if people are suggesting I do it. It was actually one of the "Really high corruption" scenes I was going to put into the system as a preview when I mentioned that. So let's just say you may be seeing a decent section of what you were hoping for here.

  6. That's what I meant in terms of 'raping your enemies'. Anything beyond that becomes tedious, anyway.
