Friday, March 14, 2014

Update? What update?

A minor update, correcting the first sweep of awkward phrasing, grammatical issues, and two glaring errors in the coding is now up on the downloads page!  Check it!

With special thanks to Malkira of House Eros and Sweet Little Sister of TFGames Site for their editorial work helping me find errors, repeated words, missing words, and just general grammatical messes, and also a thank you to everyone who checked out some of the less straightforward paths through the prologue and caught the misnamed variable error.  I do appreciate it.

No new content, but if you want to read through with less error and cleaner sentences, check version A1.1


  1. Just wanted to say good job! I like where this is going.

  2. Glad to hear it! It's always good to know that people are actually seeing my work and notice when I update ^_^
