Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Frigg Update Status Update

Okay, well, opinion time is basically over, there's been one individual who very much was hoping to see a chance to romance Frigg, but even they were saying not to worry about it when it comes to current progress, maybe back add it later if I wanted to, soo, basically, since most people aren't too worried about it, current ideas of implementation are seen as non-ideal, and even people who want it don't seem too fussed about seeing it any time soon...  Hey look, less work for me! Whoo!  Heh.

Anyways, I think I may be able to finish the Frigg update entirely by the end of the week with any luck, basically filling in the 3 "You have an interaction with Frigg" autofire scenes that everyone who has taken her along has been having as placeholders (except for people with a bit more control over the relationship, that one's already done, though I'll admit, even for me, actually pretty tricky to find >_>  I'm comfortable with that though, I mean, you've been a male for maybe an hour, getting the upper hand on her immediately isn't terribly likely or easy).

Should be reasonably simple.  The submissive path will be a straight shot just like the dominant path, the middling path will probably have an ending fork, so I'm guessing between the two that's like 9-10 passages, 4000-5000 words or whatever, and I imagine the "no sex yet" path is going to be a bit more intricate since she'll actually be trying to seduce you and stuff meaning that there'll need to be variations for willing/successfully seduced/resisting being seduced, which'll probably mean it takes about the same itself, so, you know, should be a decent sized update (and I got some of that work done already, whooo), so enjoy!...

Er rather, I hope you enjoy when it's done.  Can't exactly enjoy what I haven't written/released yet.  Hope you're enjoying yourselves with what has been regardless thought ^_^

Melphy out!

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