Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Yay! Delay.

Okay, this update is (obviously) taking longer than expected.  I think the middle part (since I'm splitting it ooone more time) should be up tomorrow, with the submissive and neutral Frigg travel scenes up.  The "not sex yet" scene is bigger than I expected so it's taking a bit longer (so I swapped over to the Neutral scene since I know that should be shorter).

Now, there's another...  Thing that I feel I (we?  Whatever) should have a bit of a discussion about.  See, every once in a while people express an interest in seeing a certain haunting project worked on.  Generally speaking it's been my overall intention to finish Pleasure and then work on Ghost Princess, but, you know, Pleasures is maybe a bit under a quarter done (optimistically), so Ghost Princess wouldn't be seeing the light of day for a long time (possibly a really long time if my current work schedule gets interrupted).  Now, I've said I'm going to work on Pleasures until it's done, and that's exactly what I intend to do, but.  Buuuuttt...

A lot of the reason Ghost Princess was going to be worked on after Pleasures is because I wanted to get a good feel for seriously working on a project, but one with less heavy technical stuff to drag down the narrative (Ghost Princess is amazingly messy under the hood).  And in a lot of ways it's succeeded.  I have a reasonably good idea of how to handle Ghost Princess when I get around to it.

And the reason any of this is relevant is because I'm considering, if people would really like to see it, working on both at once.  This'll have some consequences.  Obviously Pleasures will be updated quite a bit more slowly, and there will be less updates in general, I suspect, as splitting my attention will be less efficient (90% sure, maybe updates will proceed at the same pace but I wouldn't bet on it).  But on the other hand, people would get their long yearned for Ghost Princess updates.  I'll be holding the conversation about this through the end of the Frigg update (at the very least), with some more overall design details brought up in the next update post (since people're more likely to read that one), for people who would care to be able to compare and contrast the projects from the "gameplay" side before making a call.

Anywho, that's the way of things, post your opinions wherever I can find 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Hm, I liked Ghost Princess quite a lot - however, you said it yourself: Pleasures of the Knight would drag along and presumably, so would Ghost Princess. Perhaps it would be better if you continue PotK and switch over to GP if you ever feel like you might get sick of PotK, so you can have a little variation? I've seen some projects go down the drain because their creator burnt out. Maybe a second project could divert your attention before it comes to that point?
