Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Run coward.  Run Run.[/Sinestar]

Okay, quick update: You know how I said I was running out of money?  Yeah, so that's a thing, so I got to move home for a bit!  Yaaaaayyy e_e.

Now, that wouldn't've been a big deal (other than having to be careful about people reading over my shoulder) except my parents were also moving shortly so basically all of my possessions stayed in packing boxes and there wasn't any internet for a while because of something about bill timing or whatever.

And then I got settled in at like...  My parent's small vacation home thing?  But that was hardly set up for a lot of long term habitation so, see net and services on the fritz for a bit (though my mom had quite enough of that while the new place they're moving into gets sorted.

Of course, I'm still living out of boxes because I may be moving back into my own place (well, a different my own place) within a month or so (ARGH LIFE TORNADO WHYYY!?).  So that's...  Mostly good.

And you may say "Hey, if you've been online some, why didn't you call?" (because you're now a stereotypical mother, not sure how that happened), and the simple fact of the matter was, being so behind with stuff I'll admit I was a little embarrassed to show my face.  On my own weblog. I may have issues.

However, I didn't completely abandon writing in the mean time...  I diiiiid end up having to kind of sort of abandon working on my already existing projects because all of my writing/archives for them are online, so if online isn't be co-operative I run the risk of either suddenly losing my ability to edit things, flat out not being able to get what I was working on last, or, and this is the main reason: Finding out what I archived didn't actually archive because while my computer thought it worked I wasn't actually online at the time so it didn't make it to the "cloud" or whatever we care to call it these days.

So, do I have any writing worth showing you, you don't ask, but I'm going to pretend you asked.  The answer to that question I just shoved in your mouth is, actually...  Yes, sort of.

You can click RIGHT HERE to read through the prologue of something I was just randomly working on (everything else is story fragments for the book[s] I'm totally going to write one of these days.  Definitely.), and who knows, if people really like it maybe it'll get less randomly and more actively worked on.

Also this is a very special update just for you people who are, for some insane reason, still checking this site.  Go you!  Everyone else gets to wait until I do the last passage or two on the PotK update and hit up the usual forum suspects to discover that I'm alive.

As such this update is for strictly my own self esteem and naught else because who the heck would still be checking this after almost half a year?


  1. Well, I occasionally check my bookmark for this, so this was a nice surprise.

  2. Well I'll be, as... They say (whoever they happen to be in this case), I'm surprised at the timing of you just happening to check within, what... 8 hours? Ish? of this going up? Glad to know people still check in though.

    So, as one of the like, five people, (I'm just guessing at random) who might see this before the PotK update, hope you like it!

    1. Yeah, funny coincidence. The prologue is interesting, especially since the blessing part reminded me of another nice game that looks to have been abandoned, sadly.

  3. I tend to check in here about once a week... I've still even maintained some hope that not only will PotK update regularly, but that eventually even Ghost Princess will see some love.

  4. all is well with the world once again

