Friday, October 16, 2015

Back on the horse

As it were, it turns out getting back into this little project is going reasonably well for me!

Anyone who has been keeping up with the rapid fire bug fix versions will know that I've been trying to stay on top of that, but while general functionality of the current content is desirable, that's not very exciting.

So, yesterday and today I've been working on, you know, more actual content, it's what I'm pa...  Okay, no, it's what I do with my time.  Got about 1,500 words done, mostly progressing one of the paths into the 2nd section, and implemented a pair of extra functions for other systems that will be put into the game as it goes, like staying half a step ahead of that stuff.

Of course, let's be honest, most of you don't reaaalllly care about a progress report, you want to know when you're going to get NEW STUFF.  Which is a fair question.  Assuming I keep up a very high level of production and keep throwing like 5-6 hours a day at this, I'd imagine you might be seeing something within the next 3-4 days, likely the first section of both main routes of the new location, and maybe a few of the travel fillers filled in.  Not 100% promising that, that's just the ideal here.

As ever, comments, suggestions, opinions, noticed bugs, etc. etc. are all welcome, here or on whatever forum post lead you into my abode.

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