Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Error Report

Okay, as a heads up for everyone, I corrected an error with the original 2.4 version, and, in doing so, I seemed to have broken a bunch of stuff, most significantly the ability to actually access the new content (I think, haven't tried quite enough times so it might have just been the RNG screwing me), but a big thing is the dreams seem to be firing twice, meaning 2 of the 3 events are soaked up with that, I'm going to work on trying to correct it immediately, but just as a heads up, you may not be able to access the new content until I do.  I hate it when you fix one thing and three other things break.  Anyway, TO WORK.


  1. ... maybe it was the RNG, but the progress from FarmbarnSAf appears to only call the farm scene again, unless it's time to see the manor.

    (I went back over a dozen times to try an trigger something else and it never did. but on the non farm scenes it will change what comes up.)

    1. There was an issue where an event not added to the event queue would still tick up how many events had been chosen, resulting in one event being doubled in some cases. That should be fixed in 2.4.1 as it was one of the major issues I found, not just for the farm, but for some of the dream sequences, etc.

  2. This is the event (farm) is causing its self to come up multiple times in a row, and is also done using the 2.4.1 version. if i had to guess, the event isn't clearing/regenerating the random variable to trigger a new event.

    1. It's something a little different than that (which was annoying since I totally did all the diagnostics to check that in the first place, since I thought that was likely what it was too), but I've nailed it now, new version coming up shortly.
